Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Stuff is good.

Christmas was neat. Got kinda spoiled, felt bad. Kinda want to give everything to charity.

People are awesome. Some are dumb.

My parents like me again....yay.

Losing some friends.

Making some new friends.

Reuniting with people.

Being more... me.

Having way to much fun.

Having some sad times, meh it happens....but I'm mostly happy.

Made time for myself.

Made time for you :)

I hope this doesn't end.

These have been random thoughts... I hope you have enjoyed.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I live for the days when I can see you.
Kiss you,
Hug you.
When nothing exists but you and me.
Where I can hold you in my arms,
and finally feel safe.
I look into those captivating eyes
and speak those three little words
that say so much.
"I love you".
I've never spoke those words
until I met you.
Nothing makes me happier then when I hear
"I love you" back.
You are the best thing that's ever happened to me.
I don't know what I did
To deserve this
Or what I would do
without you.
You save me from the demons,
that still haunt me.
You save me from myself.
No matter what happens
Good or bad,
Happy or sad,
I will always be there for you.
Don't let the days I live for
slip away.