Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I live for the days when I can see you.
Kiss you,
Hug you.
When nothing exists but you and me.
Where I can hold you in my arms,
and finally feel safe.
I look into those captivating eyes
and speak those three little words
that say so much.
"I love you".
I've never spoke those words
until I met you.
Nothing makes me happier then when I hear
"I love you" back.
You are the best thing that's ever happened to me.
I don't know what I did
To deserve this
Or what I would do
without you.
You save me from the demons,
that still haunt me.
You save me from myself.
No matter what happens
Good or bad,
Happy or sad,
I will always be there for you.
Don't let the days I live for
slip away.


Blogger Unknown said...

awwwww <3

call me sumtime!

10:28 PM  

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