Thursday, October 20, 2005

So, you who read my blog may have noticed that I am posting and ranting more then usual lately. If you're annoyed don't read it.

I hate people. Usually I really like people in general, I'm a pretty nice person, but lately they have been driving me crazy. People are selfish, they are materialistic, egotistical, and always wanting attention. I'm not saying that everyone is like this, there is a few out there and its really pissing me off. People will say anything or do anything to get the attention that they crave and I have had enough of it. I will admit that, yes, I have even done it in the past and now I slap myself in the face for it. You don't have to lie or make up some stupid story for your friends to like you more. If they didn't like you, they wouldn't hang out with you! And you people who complain about everything make me sick! Its ok to complain sometimes, but when every single word out of your mouth is about how bad your life is, you need to stop! Now, I'm not the one to judge how good or bad ones life is, but seriously you, yourself know, and most likely your friends know too so you dont have to keep reminding them. We get it, it sucks, but move the fuck on! Sooner or later people will not care what you have to say because your jsut pissing them off with all these petty complaints and lies. Pretty soon you'll lose your friends because they are so fed up with hearing it.
For you people that know me, I'm a very sympathetic person. So for me to be saying all this, you know this is really pissing me off.

For all you attention craving psychopaths out there, STOP! Your friends love you for who you are, not for all the bullshit you make up. They aren't going ot love you more if you make them feel sorry for you. Give it up! Talk to me when you really do have a real problem.

So this is my rant for the day. Hope you've enjoyed it.
Oh god, I need people to talk to.


Blogger Kate Patrick said...


3:01 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

just rock it out

1:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Yeah, I totally know what you're talking about. Generally I love people, but sometimes it's just too much. All their flimsiness disgusts me. I recently went shopping with a city-girl friend of mine, and the people I saw jus grossed me out. 10year old girls shouldn't be wearing that much make-up or that little clothes. I know this wasn't part of your rant, but it's something I've been thinking a lot about lately. I mean, it's kind of along the same lines... Stop making shit up, people will love you for who you are and what you're doing to overcome these "oh-so-horrible" things taking place in your life... On the same note, you shouldn't feel pressured to dress as certain way to impress the guys or whatever. I mean, sure there are uber fake people who judge purely on appearance, but why would someone want to impress them? Ewww.

Anyways, I'm a little off topic again. I totally see where you're comin from and I think it's really cool of you to be able to admit that you've been the same way.

Also, remember that this is YOUR blog and that you should write whn you want and what you want. It's not really about what the readers want. This is YOUR space to vent YOUR thoughts and YOUR feelings.

--Linea. :)

6:23 PM  

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