Tuesday, April 19, 2005

I know how before I said that people get way into prom and everything, but I have to admit that I am kind of excited now. Less then two weeks and I have most of my stuff done which is suprising. I am one of those people who leave everything to the last minute, but this time I did not. yay go me:P

I am hoping my parents are not going to freak out about my report card this semester. They shouldn't but they still might. I got three A's and a B. That is considerably better than last semester but I'm still scared they are going to flip because I got a B in English. I shouldn't of but I did anyways. My parents have actually been pretty good lately which is an awesome sign. Their starting to realize how I am not the "perfect" daughter and that I do have my imperfections. However, they are still on my case about university. Lately I have been lost. I have no clue what to do after highschool. I have the urge to take a year off, but I know that if I do I'll never get back into school. For you people who know me, you know that I am the most undecisive person on the face of the earth, so you can imagine how difficult it is for me to pick a carrer path. Anyone have any suggestions? (lol). There is one subject that I am extremely interested in and this is Antropology. The down side is that there are no jobs out there for an Anthropologist. So, when I graduate from university, I'll be broke.

Anyways, I had a big talk with my mom today about everything. I told her about how I felt about everything. I even told her things that I kept to myself. Things that I beleived in and situations that I have been in, mainly during the end of last school year and into the summer. I may get up the courage to tak to people about it someday, but I think people will critisize me for it. Maybe I can use my experiances to help people, possibly.

Yayy, 1 1/2 hours until dance.


Blogger Kate Patrick said...

Jenn...be a trapeeze artist. That would be sweet. Then if you fell you could sue.

P.S. I'm glad that your getting along with your parents, cause when your happy, im happy (it's the whole psycic thing i think) =)

6:01 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Jenn, I hope you had a good day off ditching drive 05!

Have u ever thought about pursuing a career in some sort of trade?

I ended with a B in English as well, and my parents gave me the alana-why-the-hell-do-you-have-a-B talk. This report card i have 2 A's only and the rest B's so it should be interesting - when do we get our report cards anyways?

See you in the mornin!

11:47 PM  

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