Saturday, February 26, 2005

I Have No Words

In all, today was not bad. Really good actually, compared to my other days of school. I went to a class in the morning then decided it would be completely pointless to go to my other ones so I went to Dover for the day. Me, Dan, Will and Spencer decided to go drive around for a bit, and we ended up at Value Village. It was neat. The nwe went back to Wellington and picked up Gareth and Chris. We fit 6 people in my tracor, its a new record:P We headed back to Dover and hung out. For the next couple hours I was the taxi driver for my mom. It was worth it because she bought my lunch:D The rest of the night a bunch of us basically just drove around and hung out.
I got a call from dad, who was intoxicated, to come pick him and my uncle up from the pub. I wouldn't of been so mad if he would of just asked. Instead he damanded me to go pick them up within 10 minutes, then he started getting mad and making fun of me for random, unreasonable things. I dropped people off at their homes, then I made the journey that I dreaded. I got there and they were like "wait here for 5 minutes while we finish this beer". 15 minutes later they show up. They started making fun of my job, comparing me to my cousin at school, started telling me that if I don't start thinking then I won't have a future... random shit like that. I just turned up the APC and tried to drown them out. Didn't work. Oh well. I have put up with this kind of stuff for 17 years, I think I can tough out a couple more.


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