Friday, July 15, 2005

So Long

I read Amy's blog and she makes a good point, and I know I am one of those people. I realize that people don't want to hear my shit and I certainly do not want anyone's pity. In other words this is my last post. I may post once in a while about something random but nothing about me and my bitching. No one wants to hear it. If I have problems I'll keep them to myself, if they really bother me I'll talk to someone. So long for now.
...This IS my final goodbye...

Thursday, July 14, 2005

I am just sitting here, bored, being a nerd, you know the usual. Then I thought that this would be a good time to write in my blog. I started thinking about stuff last night and it made me a little depressed. I should not be allowed to think. There were a bunch of "What if..." questions and random sad thoughts floating around in my mind. I do not really want to go into them now because we all know what will happen. Arts Alive has started and I have to say it is quite fun. I'm doing make- up, which I should not be doing in the first place. I am incredibly insecure about it and a little intiminated by the make-up gods (aka Ashley and Cassy) They're so awesome at it. Oh well.. just another thing for me to get over. I came to the realization today that I am not talented! They say everyone is good at something, but they are wrong. I was sitting watching part of the Sussical today, and I was blown away by the talent of some people. Oh do I envy them. I have always wanted to sing but I am tone deaf. I have always wanted to act, but I am kind of shy when it comes to talking infront of a large number of people. I can't play an intrument, I can't draw, I can't write, I am 100% useless. It's funny, because this was suppose to be a happy post! Oh well, what can you do. I can't really think of anything else to write right now, but I will probably post later.
All Apologies.

Saturday, July 09, 2005


My mind fills with a million questions. Questions that haunt me. Maybe it is insecurity showing her face agian, maybe it is reality, or maybe it is both. These questions rolls over and over in my mind. I want to know the answers, but yet I am too scared to face the unknown truth. When you close your eyes, am I the one that you see? When you are down to you think of me and smile? Am I really your inspiration? Am I really your angel? Am I your oasis? I just want to make you as happy as you make me. You mean everything to me. I only hope you feel the same.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The world if full of extremely different people. They are what makes this world so diverse and, well, interesting. People are all different yes, but can't we all just get along. I mean high school is over for some of us, this marks the end of an important chapter of our lives. We learned who we are, who our friends were, what our morals are, who we want to be, what we value, how to share, how to be nice, and so on and so on. However, it feels like there are some people who have not learned from these lessons. I really do not know what I am getting at here, I'm all over the place. What I am trying to say is STOP THE DRAMA! There are so many aweful things in this world, why do we have to be horrible to eachother? It is simple, we don't. Yes, there are people who we won't get along with but that is a part of life, but we can still be civil towards eachother. Nothing is going to be accomplished by talking behind eachothers backs, giving the slient treatment, and being just plain rude. Personally, if you have a problem with me I would rather you talk to me about it, rather than me trying to guess what the hell is going on in your head. I cant read minds...SUPRISE! We are, or are almost, adults. We are not in high school anymore!! Can't we fix our problems in a mature way? Another thing, nothing is going to be accomplished by making other people feel bad. When you are mad at someone tell them, but don't be like "It's because of you that my entire world is falling to peices, that all my realtionships are being destroyed. You are the reason I cry myself to sleep at night." That may be an exageration, but you understand what I am saying. By saying that, you make that person feel absolutly horrible about themself!! I can't even begin to describe how horrible it feels. Again nothing is accomplished, more people are just getting hurt. I thought that all these god damn games would end and people would realize, "Hey I am being a selfish, immature person"and do something about it. Ok I think I am basically done my rant. You see, this is what happens when I don't post in a while.
Lets be friends
Lets get along
Lets stop the mind games
Lets stop the drama
Lets grow the fuck up!