Thursday, July 14, 2005

I am just sitting here, bored, being a nerd, you know the usual. Then I thought that this would be a good time to write in my blog. I started thinking about stuff last night and it made me a little depressed. I should not be allowed to think. There were a bunch of "What if..." questions and random sad thoughts floating around in my mind. I do not really want to go into them now because we all know what will happen. Arts Alive has started and I have to say it is quite fun. I'm doing make- up, which I should not be doing in the first place. I am incredibly insecure about it and a little intiminated by the make-up gods (aka Ashley and Cassy) They're so awesome at it. Oh well.. just another thing for me to get over. I came to the realization today that I am not talented! They say everyone is good at something, but they are wrong. I was sitting watching part of the Sussical today, and I was blown away by the talent of some people. Oh do I envy them. I have always wanted to sing but I am tone deaf. I have always wanted to act, but I am kind of shy when it comes to talking infront of a large number of people. I can't play an intrument, I can't draw, I can't write, I am 100% useless. It's funny, because this was suppose to be a happy post! Oh well, what can you do. I can't really think of anything else to write right now, but I will probably post later.
All Apologies.


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