Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Love and Goodbye

I sit here thinking...what is to become of us? We have almost completed one of the biggest chapters of our lives, and yet, what do we do afterwards? We are only insignificant specks in society, how do we make our mark? In a way, I want to be finished with school and move on to bigger and better things, but there is always that part of me that does not want anything to change. I am so afraid that I am going to lose those who mean the world to me. It is a big world out there and I do not want to be alone. Some people know what they want to do or what they are doing. Whether it is going to school, moving away or traveling, everyone has something. Honestly, I have to say that this has been the best year of my life since I met you and have become closer with many. I do not want it to end. Although, I wish everyone good luck in all their adventures in life, it is going to be extremely hard to say good-bye. As long as you are happy and living your dream, that is all that matters. I leave you with these final words...

Be happy, be healthy, regret nothing, live everyday as if its your last, do not hate, love with all your heart, treasure everything and everyone in your life, cry when you want to cry, laugh when you want to laugh, be grateful, be yourself.

...Best Wishes, Rock On...
...I will always remember...


Blogger Unknown said...

hm this post reminds me of today in civ when someone was talking about grad and arruda was like " yeah, now u get to be the people u want to be."

12:44 AM  
Blogger Kate Patrick said...

Happy grad darlin. Youre going to do awesome in whatever you choose to do. Your a strong person and so smart I just know you'll succeed. No secretary jobs for you biatch!

Love ya to bits =)


5:01 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

dear white and pasty scottish sista- Come tanning with me when we have sun?

1:12 PM  

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