Wednesday, December 15, 2004

These Days...

Have you ever had those days when you thought it would never end and the pain would never leave? Well, today was one of those days for me. Little by little, minute by minute, I just wanted to curl up and hide from the world. When did life get so stressful? Once school ended I thought my day would surely pick up, but once again I was wrong. My dad forgot to pick me up from school, so I had to walk home in the rain. I have to say it did give me time to calm down and think, but by the time I got home I broke down into a million tears. I have to thank my dad, even though he did forget me (he had his reasons), but we had a good talk about everything. He told me not to get so stressed out about school, but I do have to keep pushing along, and in the long run it will be all worthwhile. I have to say that I wouldn't be able to get through these types of days without my friends... I *heart* you all!!! You make me laugh when I need to laugh, and you let me cry when I need to cry...thank you:)



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