Thursday, May 26, 2005

There is always hope.

I took Alana's advice and TRIED to write something to correspond with one of my pictures. Since I'm scared to display my poetry, I decided to just write. You can laugh if you want, its not great.

Life is filled with ups and downs, especially teenage life. We are trying to find ourselves; who we are and who we could someday be. More importantly, events happen which can change who we are, as well as our entire outlook on life. Unfortunately, for me this was not a good outlook. Like most people, I was going through a tough time. I kept telling myself, "Shut-up Jenn, there are people out there who are a million times worse". Yes, that was true but I so busy being concerned with other people lives that I did not pay attention to mine. It seemed that all of a sudden I had hit rock bottom. I was losing my friends and most importantly my family. I tried so hard to be optimistic, but it did not work. I was slipping farther and farther away from everything and everyone that I had ever known. I was scared. I had no one to talk too. Everyone seemed so busy, Why would they care about me? I suffered extreme emotional pain in which nobody knew about because I hid behind a mask of happiness. I started wondering if anyone would even care if I died that very moment. Then I felt as if I had to be absolutely perfect in order to be accepted. This lead to something that I am not proud of, but I am glad I caught myself before I fell completely into an eating disorder. I felt like I could control my own world, when in reality I could not.

Then you came along. I truly believe that you and others have saved me. I do not even want to think where or how I would be now if you had not unexpectedly shown up in my life. Thank you.

In light there is darkness, in darkness there is light. When you feel as if you are in inescapable darkness, just remember there is always a never ending flame of light. (There is always hope).


Blogger Dan said...

you don't have to worry about that anymore, now you have us and we all care about you, especially me

11:54 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Jenn!!! taking my advice.. feeling riskay?! :) I love you so much Jenn, you are not like most of my other friends, i can completely trust you and talk to you about anything, you are so nice and undeniably beautiful inside and obviously out. I feel so honoured to call you my friend. Anytime you need anything, im here and I always crave starbucks. Lord knows you dont have an eating disorder if u have starbucks as much as u and i do. How DO you say so thin!? U must be pulling a Jared Foggle twoonie tuesday supreme diet.

12:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

alexisonfire... i have the cd but cant recall what song you're in :P

there is one called Alana Loves Me by some old man... but it's a disgrace to my name:S yiikes.

4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know,I've never experienced this in my life...But hearing it from you makes me feel I'm nothing like others who are much worse.I see that now hiding isn't the answer.Its the light that shines letting me know...I'm not alone...Thank you.

7:58 PM  

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