Thursday, August 25, 2005

The pain gets harder to ignore. She waits for the phone call which will determine the rest of her life. Will she live to see her 90th birthday, or will she perish at the tender age of 18? This is not something she likes to think about, but the thought is there. She waits for the phone call...nothing. She is so young, but yet, so frightened. How can this happen to her? It was something waiting for her at the end of the path, how could she ignore it. She can't bare to put her family through this torture again. They lived through it once, there is no strength for it again. She waits....nothing. She is ready to give up. Throw in the towel. Raise the white flag. She can not sit through months of medication, chemicals being pumped throughout her body. She can not bare the thought of her body deteriating in a white hospital bed. "I surrender."

She thinks about her family and friends. She couldn't bare to leave them behind, she has so much to live for. Maybe she will fight. She will fight for all the women who lost the battle. She will fight for her mother, for her grandmother. She will fight for her beloved friends. She will fight for him. She will not allow herself to deteriate in that white hospital bed. She will suffer through the pain. She will take the medication if it means she will see his face once again. She will go under the knife if it means she will keep her friends. She is so young, but strong. The pain is still hard to ignore, "I will fight."


Blogger Dan said...

everything will be ok, don't worry

12:14 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

hi jenn

12:50 AM  

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