Sunday, September 18, 2005

I remember the day
When I saw you through different eyes.
You were no longer a friend,
but possibly something more.
I would imagine us together,
being happier then ever before.
I would imagine your warm embrace,
and the comfort of your voice.
What was once a dream,
is now reality.
My sadness disappeared
when you saw me as I saw you.
The embrace that I imagined
never felt like this.
Your comfort that I imagined,
never had this effect.
This is something more.
Falling asleep in your arms,
is like a dream come true.
I will never give up,
if you promise to never let go.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Please, don't make anything of this. It is just about what I've been thinking and its jsut a random rambling. There is nothing to be concerned about. Don't even read it or comment if your going to blow it out of proportion.

I am in that certain state of mind, in which I do not experiance too often anymore. To tell you the truth, I'm kind of scared. I use to be influenced by the models that I saw in magazines, and actresses I saw on T.V. Within this past year and a half, none of that has bothered me until recently. Maybe it's just a phase. Last time this happened, stuff happened and I never want to experiance it again. After watching this movie, all I could think about was how much I wish I could be like her. Maybe certain people would be happier, maybe I would be happier, I dont know. All day I've been thinking about it, it sounds wierd I know. All those bad memoried came back. All I could hear is my dad making fun of me, and my mom giving me her "advice". I know, I should be bitching about stuff like this but everyone has their problems, well this is mine. Sometimes, I just wish I could be "perfect". Alright, I'm going to stop thinking about this now because it will not lead to anything good. It's jsut another one of my random thoughts.

Monday, September 05, 2005

Just a note before you read this. This is not a completely true story. Yes, I got the inspiration from events that happened in my life, but I didn't experience everything that this girl did. I just want to make people aware that anorexia IS a disease and it should NEVER be ignored. If you see symptoms from one of your loved ones, please offer them help. Even if they deny it, please do everything you can. Thank you.

What do people see in her? She does not understand. She looks in the mirror, all she sees is imperfections. She is too old for this, she's been through this before. She though she out-grew this feeling. Apparently not. It comes and goes. She stares at herself. She stares at her body, her skin, her features, her hair, her teeth. She likes her eyes. Her eyes are the windows to her soul. Her nose, its ok. She picks herself apart bit by bit. She wants to stop; she can't. She feels weak.
A month has past. Her parents ignore it. Her father is concerned. Her mother brushes it off like a speck of dust. At school, her peers confront her, but not in a constructive way. She can't concentrate. It's time for lunch. Usually, she throws her lunch in the garbage, this time she gave it to a boy who can't afford his own. She returns home, after a jog. She looks in the mirror, still unsatisfied. Another 300 situps won't hurt. She feels weak.
Another month passes her by. The days blur together. She can't remember much. She lashes out at the people she loves the most. Her father wants to help her, she is in denial. She looks in the mirror. Her skin is losing its natural glow, her hair is turning from shiny blonde to muddy brown, her nails are thinning, her teeth are not as pearly, her body is larger then ever. She still likes her eyes. She measures how much she has eaten. Its not a lot. An apple here, and a can of pop there. Everything turns into a haze; her world goes black. She wants to be perfect.
She wakes up in a hospital bed. An IV is attached to her arm, and a nurse is there for food. Tears flood her eyes. She never thought this would happen to her. She's not invincible. Her tired, hungry sobs fill the empty white hallways. How could she let this disease control her? She thought he was stronger. She was wrong. Now there is nothing to do but to regain the strength, to become healthy, to become herself again. The nurse looks at her with pity in her eyes and hands her a mirror. She finally took a good long look at herself and saw what others saw. She was skin and bones. She was blinded by the images of the media. She cried somemore. Her family comes in, her gran is there. She sits down next to her in the white hospital bed, and says "A grandmother should never whiteness her granddaughter deteriate before her eyes." She realizes what she has to lose, she doesn't want to lose it. She says to her gran, "I'm going to fight. I'm going to live, just for you." She takes the sandwich handed to her. It never tasted so good.
She sits alone with her mind racing. What happened to the old her? She was so determined, but it was only an outlet. Emotional pain bottled up and released through her writing, math, history, science. Yes, she could of gone to med. school. Yes, she could of recieved thousands of dollars, but was that what she really wanted? No. What she really wanted was a life. A life that was her own. Not the one she lived through other people. She wanted to be loved. She wanted to be with people who cared; who accepted her. She wanted to have fun. She wanted that special someone. Someone who completed her. She got it all.
They say money can buy you happiness. That is not true. Yes, with money you can buy things that make you happy, but that is only temporary. Humans are natrually greedy, and money excentuates this characteristic. True happiness lies in the heart. In the heart of you and the people who love you. She thinks, she could never be as happy as she is now. She has something wonderful and she will never let it go.