Monday, September 05, 2005

She sits alone with her mind racing. What happened to the old her? She was so determined, but it was only an outlet. Emotional pain bottled up and released through her writing, math, history, science. Yes, she could of gone to med. school. Yes, she could of recieved thousands of dollars, but was that what she really wanted? No. What she really wanted was a life. A life that was her own. Not the one she lived through other people. She wanted to be loved. She wanted to be with people who cared; who accepted her. She wanted to have fun. She wanted that special someone. Someone who completed her. She got it all.
They say money can buy you happiness. That is not true. Yes, with money you can buy things that make you happy, but that is only temporary. Humans are natrually greedy, and money excentuates this characteristic. True happiness lies in the heart. In the heart of you and the people who love you. She thinks, she could never be as happy as she is now. She has something wonderful and she will never let it go.


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