Monday, September 05, 2005

Just a note before you read this. This is not a completely true story. Yes, I got the inspiration from events that happened in my life, but I didn't experience everything that this girl did. I just want to make people aware that anorexia IS a disease and it should NEVER be ignored. If you see symptoms from one of your loved ones, please offer them help. Even if they deny it, please do everything you can. Thank you.

What do people see in her? She does not understand. She looks in the mirror, all she sees is imperfections. She is too old for this, she's been through this before. She though she out-grew this feeling. Apparently not. It comes and goes. She stares at herself. She stares at her body, her skin, her features, her hair, her teeth. She likes her eyes. Her eyes are the windows to her soul. Her nose, its ok. She picks herself apart bit by bit. She wants to stop; she can't. She feels weak.
A month has past. Her parents ignore it. Her father is concerned. Her mother brushes it off like a speck of dust. At school, her peers confront her, but not in a constructive way. She can't concentrate. It's time for lunch. Usually, she throws her lunch in the garbage, this time she gave it to a boy who can't afford his own. She returns home, after a jog. She looks in the mirror, still unsatisfied. Another 300 situps won't hurt. She feels weak.
Another month passes her by. The days blur together. She can't remember much. She lashes out at the people she loves the most. Her father wants to help her, she is in denial. She looks in the mirror. Her skin is losing its natural glow, her hair is turning from shiny blonde to muddy brown, her nails are thinning, her teeth are not as pearly, her body is larger then ever. She still likes her eyes. She measures how much she has eaten. Its not a lot. An apple here, and a can of pop there. Everything turns into a haze; her world goes black. She wants to be perfect.
She wakes up in a hospital bed. An IV is attached to her arm, and a nurse is there for food. Tears flood her eyes. She never thought this would happen to her. She's not invincible. Her tired, hungry sobs fill the empty white hallways. How could she let this disease control her? She thought he was stronger. She was wrong. Now there is nothing to do but to regain the strength, to become healthy, to become herself again. The nurse looks at her with pity in her eyes and hands her a mirror. She finally took a good long look at herself and saw what others saw. She was skin and bones. She was blinded by the images of the media. She cried somemore. Her family comes in, her gran is there. She sits down next to her in the white hospital bed, and says "A grandmother should never whiteness her granddaughter deteriate before her eyes." She realizes what she has to lose, she doesn't want to lose it. She says to her gran, "I'm going to fight. I'm going to live, just for you." She takes the sandwich handed to her. It never tasted so good.


Blogger Dan said...

I really like them both. You know how I feel and what I think. I've told you often enough....and will continue to do so, because you're stubborn:P I love you

10:57 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

wtf thats the worst anonymous post ive seen yet.

10:04 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i changed my blog addy its now

3:48 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

JENNNNNN he said he loves me! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

11:50 PM  

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