Friday, October 14, 2005

Wow I'm posting.

Yesterday was my birthday. I am officially 18, its not that great but oh well. Yesterday was a pretty good day. I just want to thank everyone for everything and thank Dan for...Well...Everything, and Tidey for dinner. It was awesome. Although there were people who I missed very much. People like Kate, Kelsey, Spencer, Mel, and Jenn. I got a voicemail from Mel and Jenn late last night. I love them, it made me laugh.

I have to go to work soon. I hate my job. I mean its easy, but I should be doing something more. I feel like such a failure. I should be going to school and getting a degree, but I am not. Every day I get a lecture from my parents. Its the same thing over and over again, and they don't realize that it makes me feel like shit. What are parents for.

I want to leave my house. I need my own space and privacy. Hopefully by Feb. I will have purchased a vehicle and I will be able to move out. Me and Alana were talking and we might move in together which would be awesome. She says that living alone is way to expensive and I need to move out with someone so its perfect. I just need out NOW.

I find myself getting jealous lately. I don't know why. I hate jealousy it's one of the worst emotions out there. It makes everyone feel horrible and rarely anything good comes out of it. I can't say way I feel it sometimes, its not like I really have anything to get jealous about. I guess I'm just scared that I might loose what I have, and I really dont want to. I've witnessed too many girls be so naive about stuff, and they end up getting screwed over in the end. I guess I'm jus that paranoid type that you here about.

Anyways, this has been yet another update on my thoughts and my life. Interesting isn't it....*cough*


Blogger Unknown said...

dont get jealous jenn.. it wrecked me. just trust trust trust. Its better to trust someone and find out you maybe shouldnt have, then to not give them a chance by jsut being jealous and have it ruin anything before.. ok well i know u know what i mean. sigh.

Being 18 is alright. we can vote. lol. Living on your own sucks, I seriously sacrafice food for more spending money.

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