Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Almost Done

Whoot. I got all my chemistry tests done today (except for the provincial of course), but I'm almost there. Tomorrow I have a human physiology test which wont be too bad, it's stuff I actually understand. Come to think about it, I should be studying right now but ohhh well. I'm way too hyper/over-tired to concentrate. Today, in all, was pretty ok. I was at school until 4ish, then I went and got my hair cut and ended up staying there for over an hour talking. I then realized that I had to go to dance class, so I rushed home and went to dance. It was fun. Only me, Ellen and Colleen were there and it was quite amusing I must say. "Jenn! Did you get new hair?!" -Ellen haha. I got all my fusterations and stress out at class so now I'm starting to think I might actually make it through this last week and a bit without dying (which is good).
I just don't understand parent though. They want me to do exceptionally well in school, and since their expectations are so high, I get so stressed out. However, when they finally notice how much pressure I am under usually it's too late and they say "oh as long as you try your best". What the hell do they want? It's all so confusing. When I come home I just want too be alone, listen to music and unwind for a bit, but they don't understand. They tell me to get more hours at work so that I have something to do after school, but yet they want me focusing on school work. I can't be in two places at once, so I really don't know what they want. Maybe I should just stop trying to please them because whatever I do will never be good enough. They will just have to deal with it.

Listening to: "Down With The Sickness" by Disturbed.


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