Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Ode To No Money And Slurpees

I'm going to keep this short because I'm kinda lazy right now and this is my second posting cus my first one got deleted. Ok so, today was fun. I went to only....all...of my classes *shifty eyes* Me and Alana wondered on down to Starbbies, which was good cus I haven't had it in a really really really really long time. We then wondered over to the mall then eventually back to school. After lunch, we did our class thing then went home. Later on we had a info session at MalU about the nursing program. That was oh so much fun I must say. When that was done, we went to the CooP and got slurpees with spare dimes and nickels that we had. T'was a grand time. We made asses of ourselves (once again); but it was fun anyways. I drove Alana home and now I am here..and... stuff. So I'm now officially too lazy to say anything else, so I'm going to study Biology *shudders*
Lots of Love


Blogger Unknown said...

i cant even comment because im too busy laughing at the co-op experience.. what the heck are we on lol. and then u got clothes-lined by the tree omg laughter laughter laughter. coke slush-.. no. lol im not goin foit. *reach out and touch faith*

11:27 PM  

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