Monday, January 24, 2005

Back To Reality

It is Monday and that means I have to go back to reality *shudder*. I had a nice weekend of freedom (in other words no parents around), however now I have to get to work. There is one week left until exam time and it's going to kill me. Well.. no literally of course, but you know what I mean. On the bright side, next semester starts and I actually get to do courses that I like. Yayy! My dad got on my case about dropping Math12 again but whatever, he just has to deal with it.
Today was pretty alright I guess. Nothing greatly interested happened besides the fact that Alana now owes Jamie $2.30 *cough* I wonder why that is *cough*. Anyways, I think I'm going to go and do something productive. Byeee


Blogger Unknown said...

I know and we have this 2 day pay thing, and i have no money until thursday, im not taking money out of the bank to break it to make 2.30... all he deserves is pennies anyways. *sigh* I truely am amazed its only 2.30... but its only monday

11:22 PM  

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