Wednesday, January 12, 2005

No Money To Learn..or for slushies

Me and Alana just went to an information session about the Nursing Program at Malaspina. It was interesting and got me pretty pumped to attend the school and everything, but there is one little problem. It costs money, which I don't have. Oh well, life is all about challenges and this is mearly one I must overcome. After the session, me and Alana took a drive into Harewood (yay to Harewood) and got 2 slushies with dimes, nickles and one quarter. whoot to being poor.
School wasn't bad today, since I only went to...all my classes *shifty eyes*. We went to Starbucks, which was good since I haven't had it for a really really really long time, then we looked around the mall for a bit. Eventually, we made our way back to the school and did the whole class thing. Other than that, nothing too interesting happened today. I must go study Biology *shudders*

P.S: I made Alana's night by walking into a tree!!! (again)


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