Saturday, January 15, 2005

Just A Screwup

Aren't parents suppose to be there for you and give you unconditional love? I think so, but right now I am having my doubts. Tonight was Tidey's birthday party and I was planning to go, but as usual my mom stepped in. I told her about it a couple days ago, and she said I could go. After me and Kate got off work, we came back to my place to get ready and go to Tidey's, but it all went downhill from there. My mom decided to not let me drive tonight because it was snowing. She said she would drive us, but Kate found out that she wasn't allowed to go. I suggested that when we dropped Kate off that they drop me off at Tidey's since they (my parents) were going that way. Apparenlty it's too much effort to pull over and let me get out of the car. During this time of "discussion" (more of my mom yelling at me) she basically called me a selfish little brat and a screwup. I was kinda embrassed since Kate was right downstairs. Anyhow, that kind of left a dent in my self-esteem and now I am sitting here in my basement...alone. Sometimes I just feel like running away so that I won't have to deal with my parents' constant bitching. Maybe they're right. Maybe I am just a good-for-nothing teenager that only thinks of herself. Maybe there lives would be better without me. I can never live up to their expectations, so why even bother. They say as long as I do my best, that is all that counts. However, I do my best but that's never enough. Right now, I just want to run away.


Blogger Dan said...

Don't run away, I'd miss you too much. don't even think about it jenn, for some reason they just can't understand how amazing you are.

12:51 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yeah Jenn, i HONESTLY know what you're talking about. Ya just cant be good enuff. I feel ya. The hard part is just hanging in there til June 30th. We can do it, and you have friends like dan and kate and me, who u know who are for ya whenever! Ice cream!

2:15 PM  

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