Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Too Many Pictures

Everyone who knows me knows that I HATE getting my picture taken, so guess what happened today? Yup, thats right...why too many pictures taken of Jenn. Well I guess it all started yesterday when a bunch of us got called down to the office, me being one of them. Anyways, we were all standing around talking and wondering why we were in the office, when suddenly the year book crew comes out. It turned out that we all won something in the grad survey, so we had to get our pictures taken. However, I didn't complain too too much and I think that suprised Alana. haha.
That wasn't the end of it though. Today, every single time I was in the hallway (which was quite a lot), someone took my picture for the year book *grumble*. Then Fran and Robyn decided to come into my Geography class just to spite me (thanks guys). Now everyone knows how much I hate getting my picture taken because I based my entire blog on me ranting about photos. You see, I irony of it all is that I absolutly love taking pictures. If I could spend all day behind the lens of a camera and take pictures of everything, I would. In the spring I plan to drive up to Mt.Washington (on a clear day), and take pictures of....everything. If anyone wants to join me that would be awesome, though I don't know how much fun you would have haha.
Other than the pictures, today was alright I guess. I went to school, then suffered through my classes. I had my music with me all day so that made it all better. School ended and a came home (wow exciting eh?). I went to dance and it was pretty fun. We worked on Brianna's dance that we will be preforming in festival, eep. Lets just say we need to practice it a wee bit more, but we will pull it off. Now, I must go and find something productive to do.
Bye Bye


Blogger Kate Patrick said...

Hehehe. Your so pretty Jenn there is no need to hate getting your pic taken, but i've known you for long enough to have expirianced you hitting me when i try to take your picture. I like taking pictures too! I smell a road trip! Whoot whoot! And let me guess, in the year book survey you won for being most gulible? eh, am I right? am i? am i? i am arent i! SCORE! Come on... zimbabwe? teehee

8:41 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i didnt actually think you'd let sum1 take a picture of you!
Holy mackeral yearbook crew was out in fullest swing today!
As well as the scotland trip if you want i could assist you in Mt.Washington.. as long as we got them tunes ;)... how is ' the wind speaker' btw LOL.

11:24 PM  
Blogger Pineapple Princess! said...

What did you win in the yearbook poll?!?!?!

1:23 AM  

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