Sunday, January 02, 2005

What Ever I Feel Like... GOD!

I have come to the conclusion that Napoleon Dynomite is the best movie ever! After work today me, Kate, Glenn and Dan hung out at Glenns house. The boys played their video games, while us girls read some cosmo. Then we watched Napoleon Dynomite and I don't think I've laughed that hard in a long time (at a movie).
Some of Jenn's favorite quotes:
"I see you're drinking 1% milk, is that because you think you're fat?"
"So Napoleon, what are you going to do today?" "What ever I feel like...GOD!!"
"That's a sweet bike. Do you ever take it off some sweet jumps?" "You got like 3 feet of air that time!"
"Can you bring me some chap-stick?" Hangs up; "IDIOT!!!"
There are peobably many more quotes I should be putting in there but I can't really remember them at the moment.


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