Friday, January 07, 2005

Snow Daze

The best parts of winter are snowboarding and snow days. Today was a snow day. Over night it snowed about 8 inches and kept snowing all day. It was great!! Except my parents will not let me drive in this weather which kind of sucks, but whatever. That means more driving for them (muahah). But today was fun. Me, Kate and Kelsey got paid today so we went to the mall. After the horrible week I had, I needed to spend money. It was fun because we got to act like such girls. I bought a purse, Kels got a dress and Kate got a skirt. Yes, all you people who know us are probably like "Holy shit!!" I just couldn't beleive that Kelsey actually bought a dress! It was amusing. While we were at the mall we tried on prom dresses. I felt pretty *giggle*. That didn't last very long because we eventually got bored. After the mall Kate had to go home and I went to Kelsey's. I was hoping to hang out with Dan tonight, but all the guys are having a guys night *pout* I am now extremely bored and I am going to be stuck in the house with Leanne and Deanna. Funnn....NOT!
We got some more bad news today. Right now my grandparents are travelling to Mexico, and just last night they had to put there dog Sunny down as well. It's such a hard tine for our family right now. However, we did get some good news. For a while there, we were kinda scared about my mom's health. She has to get tests done and a CT scan and they thought they saw a tumor. As it turns out it was nothing and she is perfectly healthy. That was a HUGE relief. Well I'm going to go hide from my sister and her friend
Bye Bye


Blogger Unknown said...

Thats how life unfortunately works i guess, if goes bad for a while, and then its good, and then its bad and then its good and then it bad and then... its good, and then its bad... and u get the idea.
I was thining about our junk food day... Starbucks AND ice cream... then it will be good.

2:41 PM  

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