Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Same Ol' Routine

Today was the first day back at school and man did it suck. My first class was Biology and Carrie and I were completly lost! Lets just say we lost a couple brain cells throughout our break. Then last class came around..ugh Chemistry. It turns out we have to fit a chapter test, 2 practise provincials and 1 midterm all within 3 weeks. I am going to die. This is not only the hardnest class, but its also the one class that is keeping me from getting into the university I want to go to. When did life get so stressful? Getting back into the swing of things is difficult. I went back to dance tonight and I was so out of shape. It was kinda funny actually, cus there was only 3 of us in the class and Mrs.Reid (dance teacher) just made fun of us. As it turns out she wants me to start competing again. Not only in district and regional competitions, but in championships as well. She wants me to go to Nova Scotia this year for the 2005 Scotdance Championships, but with my budget and the amount of time I have to spend practicing (not enough) I don't think I will make it. I hate to think negative and like to think I can achieve my dreams, but right now I just have to face the facts. I mean it would be awesome to go to competitions and win some extra mulla, but chances of me winning top spots with the girls I have to dance against *cough* Kelsey *cough* are slim.
Yay! I don't have to work tomorrow so maybe I can spend some time catching up on homework and just chill with friends or something. Thats if my dad decides not to be a jerk and let me. He got mad at me today for everything little thing. It was ridiculous! I was reading in my room and he comes in and lectures me about not helping my mom take down christmas decorations. Then when I was finished helping her I got in trouble for nto doing it right. I really don't know what he wants from me.
But I am going to leave and try to sleep. Bye Bye


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