Monday, January 10, 2005

So Much To Do, So Little Time

I have to say that the 3 day weekend that we had was a refresher. However, I am going to die this week since I have 3 provincially examable classes and ablsolutly no time to do homework. Yay, this is going to be a blast. This morning I woke up hoping that it snowed a whole lot during the night, but my hope was gone once I looked outside and saw no new snow. *sniff* oh well, maybe we'll get lucky tomorrow or Wednesday. School today wasn't too bad....besides the work. I had my spare last block so I got off at 1:30 so I went home. When I got home though I was really pissed off because my discman was being stupid and decided to destroy one of my APC CD's. When I got into my room I had so many books and everything so I threw everything all over my bed and across my room, looked around, and I had gotten snow absolutly everywhere! It was kinda funny, but not because then my dad made me clean up. Well, now I'm off to the wounderful world of my place of work *frown*. I can't complain cause I got the entire weekend off so 4.5 hours won't kill me...I hope.


Blogger Kate Patrick said...

Your discman should be beheaded. If it had a head that is. That truly is a crime. Hahaha you have to work and I don't. Loser! I wish it would snow more too. Then we could team up and kick some Glenn and Dan ass! Cause we totally would last night but they had the unfair advantage of being evil. I heart you Jenn!

4:01 PM  

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