Thursday, December 30, 2004

16 hours later...

Warning: I am going to ramble on about stuff because I am tired. So it's... Thursday morning I guess but to me its still Wednesday. Today I woke up at 8am and went to work, which wasn't very fun. Afterwards, Dan and I went to the pento (I think that's what it's called) and watched various poeple that we know preform a hilariously funny preformance. It was so great! You were all so great! Then at around 10pm-ish, the show ended and a bunch of people went to Tidey's usual. This is where the drinking took place. It was entertaining for a while. I hid Dan's six pack (which was a lil funny), then we all jsut hung out. Eventually Tidey got really drunk and started yelling and ranting about god knows what. This is when I decided to leave, and also cus the guys were going on their little "guys walk". So 16 hours after I awoke this morning here I am, watching Nirvana DVD and talking to people. I am happy:)
New Years is coming up and we have no where to party. I'm trying to talk my parents into letting me have a party and it's looking good. I talked to my dad and he's like "yeah but I'm going to have to talk to your mother." *shudders* I hate hearing those words, because she will be the one to fuck us all over. However, I just recently found out that if I can't have a party Jenn1 can!! yay for Jenn1!!!! All I know for sure is that Alana can't wait until New Years *wink* hehe. Yes I must now depart for I am extremely tired and my Nirvana watching has now come to a close. 16.5 hrs...
(told you I would ramble)


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