Thursday, December 30, 2004

She does it again

Like I was saying last night, I was planning on having a New Years party tomorrow night. As usual my mom gets all involved and fucked us right over. My parents said that everyone could come over but there would be no drinking, that when I went 'forget it'. I mean come on, who has (or goes to) a New Years party and doesn't drink, seriously! Wow I'm really mad right now, I rarely get mad but right now I am right pissed. But I guess it's ok cus instead we will jsut head to Jenn1's house...yay! (depending on how much money I have)
Today I got called into work at 1:00 so I had to go there for a couple hours. It was nuts! So many little people, then I got the bad news from my mom. Eventually Dan, Will and Kate came over and we jsut hung out. hehe I found some very interesting pictures of Austin when we were about 12 years old *cough*. It was quite entertaining, but I must go now...Happy New Year!


Blogger Queen of Hearts said...

haha i didn;t know you had one either haha, dinner sounds interesitng ttyl byeeeeeee

12:54 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

heep new year! i found my muddy banks is wishkah cd!.. that means.....cant touch this... "cummon jenn now stop!-tracker time" listnin to good songs on the way to starbucks! woot see ya 2morrow

11:43 PM  

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