Thursday, January 27, 2005

Glasses, Green Day and...Studying

I'm sitting here in the library at school, listening to Green Day, and....studying *shifty eyes*. I was not in a very good mood last night. I had a pretty aweome day but that ended when I came home from work and my parents decided to bitch me out again. Anyways, now I'm in a better mood and it is good. Only one more day of stressfull school and the semester of hell will be over. Finally! Technically there are two days left but tomorrow doesn't count since I only have to come for two blocks, yayy. I can't wait until next semester. I can finally do stuff I like; for example, english and photography. I have been waiting a year to do photography. I took it in grade 10 and absolutly loved it but I couldn't take it last year because my time table was full with stuff like Chem, Bio, Physic *shudder*, math, english and so on and so on. So let's just say I am a little excited. If you could see me right now (which you can't or else that would be creepy), you would see that I'm wear glasses. Apparently my eyesight is going and thats not good. My mom bought me some glasses to try since I'm getting constant headaches (which I never used to get), and sometimes things get blury; however, I am convinced that it's because I'm tired. Nevertheless my mom is making me wear them when I'm tired or reading, bleh. Can't you tell that I'm just rambling so that I don't have to study? haha...well I am. Wow, I love Green Day. Their concert was the best thing I had ever seen/heard in my entire life. I want them to come back to Vancouver, that would be cool. Even though I was basically broken after it, it was still the best time ever! I miss my bruises haha, but I still have Mike Dirnt's pick whoot :D. Alright then, it turns out that I had 20 minutes to study so I must I'm getting kicked off the computer by the librarian (apparently I'm not allowed to do this)
Bye Bye
P.S: yes Dan, we all know you met Green Day *rolls eyes* (hehe)

After School:
I AM SO HAPPY! smiles all around.


Blogger Unknown said...

technically i am writing this on the morning of the friday the semester ended. a.k.a a good day. I know that today will be one of much singing in the tracker, coffee, and not being in class. u better blog about it.

12:47 AM  
Blogger Kate Patrick said...

Uhm...I don't know what to comment on cause honestly i'm just doing this cause you were sad that you had no comments. Uhm... I like to oat, oat oat opples and banonos, i like to ite ite ite ipples and baninis, i like ate ate ate, aypples and banaynays. Yeah I'll stop. Jenn, stop ruining my life... GOD!


4:00 PM  

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