Sunday, January 30, 2005

This weekend was a very needed resting weekend for Jenn. Even though I didn't get much rest, I got my mind off of school which was great. I studied so much the past two weeks that I needed a break, but now exam week is approaching and that means more studying for me. woot. Yesterday I worked then went to Tidey's house because he was having a partay. It was a fun sober time for me (and for man others). The guys played some NHL video game and they got really competitive and it was amusing. At around 12:30am I decided to go home and sleep, seeing as I had to work the next morning. However, I was sharing a room with my sister last night (we had company over using all the upstairs bedrooms) and that was not fun. At 2:00am (while I was fast asleep), decided to come in, turn on the light, turn on my sterio (loud), and start playing video games. This is when I started to yell. Eventually, I got to sleep and awoke to go to work this morning. Work was hell today. For some reason the hours 11:00am-7:00pm seem much longer than 8 hours. By the end of my shift, the minutes seemed to pass slowly, second by second. Finally, I was free and picked up Dan and Spencer then went to Amy's. We hung out and watch APC DVD, it was great. Now I must go try to get some sleep... I wonder how many hours I'll get tonight...I'll say 7 if I'm lucky.


Blogger Kate Patrick said...

Oh Jenn. You so crazy. Crazy like a liger. Rar.

7:14 PM  

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