Friday, February 04, 2005


I'm in a good mood. For the first time in a couple weeks I finally got a decent sleep, and woke up stressfree, it is awesome. Yesterday I finished my exams. It wasn't fun, mind you, but I finished them and now I don't have to worry anymore...until I get my marks of course :S. After my horribly not fun chemistry exam, I made my way down to work. Work was alright, there wasn't much to do but that was ok. Lindsay, Karina and I just sat and talked, ate pizza, drank pop..just relaxed. We closed early and Will, Dan and Kate picked me up. I let them in and I think the guys had fun haha. Will's 18th Birthday Party at Jumpin Jiminys, whooot! However, I must go and do chores *tear*.


Blogger Anonymous Poet said...

I hope you have more time for fun now!

8:30 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

yes new semester! let us celebrate with blizzards

11:26 PM  
Blogger Dan said...

now you can RELAX. please please please relax. You need it. enough working for jenn

12:06 AM  
Blogger Kate Patrick said...

Jenn maybe we can go to Subway or hit the bowling alley now that we have less stressful lives. Eh? Eh?

9:26 AM  
Blogger Glenn said...

Back off kate!!! She's my target!!! You can have that scary kid with the black hair and leather jacket.

2:40 PM  

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