Thursday, February 10, 2005

What does she have against me? What have I done do make her despise me so much? Being alive I guess. Today was not a particulary good day. I went to school, felt like shit so I came home during my spare block. When my mom came home the phone rang and it was an aunt that, lets just say, does not like me. She started telling my mom all these complete and utter lies about me. Since I was young, she never approved of me. It was always "Jenn's a bad influence" and "It's Jenn's fault". I do not understand how she could think or say stuff like this. I mean I was the most innocent and quiet child out of all of my cousins. I kept to myslef mostly at family events or I would socialize with the older kids. I guess she thinks I am too self-invovled. If you have a grudge against me, fine, I don't really care. It's when you start saying bullshit behind my back and telling lies to my family just so that they will look down on me, thats going to far. She was saying stuff like how I am never in school, how she sees me at night walking home hammered, and how I have no respect for anyone. It's her who has no respect. She has to talk about people and make their lives shit just so that she can feel good about her left. In my opion, that's pretty damn sad. I don't care what she thinks about me, I could care less. I just hate it how she lies. Now my parents don't trust me even more now and I'm even more of a disappointment. I got through to them that all the stories are just stories, but something has changed. I am sick so I'm going to go sleep. Bye.


Blogger Dan said...

I really don't like the way your family treats you. You definately don't deserve it. but me thinks a fit of rage would just make things worse, so i'll just try to make you feel better.

10:42 PM  
Blogger Kate Patrick said...

Don't worry Jenn, you know how much I hate your aunt. Lets just say shes going to get a little visit from my friends then deadly venomous brain eating scorpions. Plus, I don't know if you belive in karma, but she'll probably get run over by a bus sometime soon. Shes just jealous cause her sons a nerd and doesnt shower. I will put it on my to do list to accidently tp her house...right before it rains...

P.S. Jenn is cool

2:29 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

DONTCHU WORRY, i think u shoul reconcider what u do at dana's, i have way tp much booze to have all to myself.... wait tho, are u gunna go to that other partay l8er?

10:14 PM  

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