Sunday, February 20, 2005


I got a pretty good sleep last night which makes me happy because it has been a while since I've had one. I tend to wake up for some reason and can not get back to sleep, but oh well. On Friday I got my prom dress! Finally. I never thought I would want a black and white dress but I tried on this one and I ended up liking it ALOT. My mom approved so she bought it. I felt really bad because this dress wasn't very cheap. After the dress hunt on Friday, a bunch of us went to Tidey's house where the party was. It was a pretty fun night, once we got our booze. I ended up getting about 4 hours of sleep and realizing that I had to work in the morning. I felt fine which was good. However when I got to work, a certain pain hit me so hard I felt like I was going to die. It was hard to walk and felt like I was going to pass out so my boss sent me home for a little while. I took some drugs, got some sleep, then woke up and went back to work feeling much better. After work we went to Laura's where people wre watching movies and chillaxin. (yes I just said chillaxin) Anyways, that was fun except I almost fell asleep. In all, my weekend has been pretty damn good and we have Monday off of school so that makes it even better! whoot. Now I must go get ready for another day at J.J's. Bye Bye.


Blogger Unknown said...

Jennnnnn! I want to see your dress! I think black & white sounds like it'd be stellar on you.

Yessss monday off! Twoonie Tuesday on the first day of school!

1:27 PM  

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