Wednesday, February 16, 2005

When did I start caring about money?

Well, I got the news on Monday that I have absolutly no money. Now that I don't have any money, I'm not allowed to go anywhere because I can't pay for gas. My mom flipped when I didn't refill the tank this morning, I don't think shes understands how little money my lousy job pays. Basically I am stuck in the house until Friday, unless I can get a ride somewhere but I doubt anyone wants to drive to my place. But anyways, right now I'm sitting in Photography class being extremely bored. 10 minutes until the bell rings. God I wish Mr.Long was here then I could actually get my supplies and do some work.
The last couple days have been pretty good. Monday was Valentines Day. I'm so use to jsut ignoring the day all together, but this year was different. I actually had someone to spend it with, and it was great! Tuesday was alright. I went to all my classes, even career prep :)

I am home now. My mom is acting odd. Once I got in the car I knew something was wrong, she was really pissed off about something. It was probably. She freaked out because my room was messy, but I don't that is it. I finished and I was trying to talk to her but she wouldn't talk to me. The only words that came out of her mouth was when she told me to set the table. I couldn't even do that right. She got mad because I used the wrong dishes. She's usually not this obsessive. I'm scared to go upstairs because she might get mad at me for something again. Oh well, this is why I have a basement; to hide. I have a feeling that she's going to tell us some bad news tonight at dinner. She hasn't been going to work this week, so it has something to do with that I'm sure. Well, I must go. Bye Bye


Blogger Unknown said...

AHh parents, what a joy!
hopefully the dinner conversation isnt too rough! member u can talk to me bout ever'thang!

11:30 PM  

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