Sunday, February 13, 2005


Well it is Sunday night and that means that my weekend is coming to a close *tear*. Friday was pretty fun, I didn't have to g oto school because we all went on a Mal-U feild trip. It was kinda boring but hey I didn't have to go to class and we got free pizza. When we finally got back to school, me and Alana left early. We were walking to Subway and we see this van with stripes on it in the parking lot. After standing there for a moment, we finally realized that Will must have been around somewhere. We went back to our lockers and Dan and Will were standing there and that was prettty cool. That night, a bunch of us got together and had dinner and watched movies at Will's house for his birthday. It was fun. Saturday (yesterday), I worked and after picked up Dan and Spencer. It was a pretty unproductive night. We drove around trying to find something to do for most of the night. We ended up at a welly party after a while *shudder*. That was.... interesting. Let's just say I realize even more why I don't really hanging out with these people. Some of them are ok and pretty good people, but others (like the girls) are pretty twinky and materialistic. It drives me nuts. They look down on people and it pisses me off. It was cool though because Dan, Will and Amy got free beer,, I'm pretty sure they were happy about that. However, Shondra came up to us and told us that we had to leave because Dana didn't know the guys + Amy personally. I drove them home and got a call on my cell from Jenn so I went back to the party to see what was up with her. We talked and stuff, and it turned out that a whole lot of poeple got booted out of the party. I stayed for about 15mins then I was out of there. I couldn't stand it anymore. So far, that is my weekend. Today all I have done is go to work, and Im getting dragged to my cousins house for his birthday. I didn't know this until a couple minutes ago. I love it when my family tells me stuff *rolls eyes*. Now I must go and eat cake... again...whoot.


Blogger Kate Patrick said...

I...hate...cake. AND LEMONADE. And anything having to do with birthday parties. But I do like Jenn.

P.S. I drew on you with a permanent marker today and you didnt notice. Its on your arm.

6:44 PM  

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