Friday, December 31, 2004

The Last of '04

The last day of 2004 is upon us. Everyone has such mixed up plans and it's crazy. However, we have come up with a decision that satifies everyone. In a bit, we are all going to go to Amy's house (yay) and do the whole drinky drinky thing. After, we'll head down to Jenn's and chillax. But yes, I must go get ready..Happy New Year (again)

Thursday, December 30, 2004

She does it again

Like I was saying last night, I was planning on having a New Years party tomorrow night. As usual my mom gets all involved and fucked us right over. My parents said that everyone could come over but there would be no drinking, that when I went 'forget it'. I mean come on, who has (or goes to) a New Years party and doesn't drink, seriously! Wow I'm really mad right now, I rarely get mad but right now I am right pissed. But I guess it's ok cus instead we will jsut head to Jenn1's house...yay! (depending on how much money I have)
Today I got called into work at 1:00 so I had to go there for a couple hours. It was nuts! So many little people, then I got the bad news from my mom. Eventually Dan, Will and Kate came over and we jsut hung out. hehe I found some very interesting pictures of Austin when we were about 12 years old *cough*. It was quite entertaining, but I must go now...Happy New Year!

16 hours later...

Warning: I am going to ramble on about stuff because I am tired. So it's... Thursday morning I guess but to me its still Wednesday. Today I woke up at 8am and went to work, which wasn't very fun. Afterwards, Dan and I went to the pento (I think that's what it's called) and watched various poeple that we know preform a hilariously funny preformance. It was so great! You were all so great! Then at around 10pm-ish, the show ended and a bunch of people went to Tidey's usual. This is where the drinking took place. It was entertaining for a while. I hid Dan's six pack (which was a lil funny), then we all jsut hung out. Eventually Tidey got really drunk and started yelling and ranting about god knows what. This is when I decided to leave, and also cus the guys were going on their little "guys walk". So 16 hours after I awoke this morning here I am, watching Nirvana DVD and talking to people. I am happy:)
New Years is coming up and we have no where to party. I'm trying to talk my parents into letting me have a party and it's looking good. I talked to my dad and he's like "yeah but I'm going to have to talk to your mother." *shudders* I hate hearing those words, because she will be the one to fuck us all over. However, I just recently found out that if I can't have a party Jenn1 can!! yay for Jenn1!!!! All I know for sure is that Alana can't wait until New Years *wink* hehe. Yes I must now depart for I am extremely tired and my Nirvana watching has now come to a close. 16.5 hrs...
(told you I would ramble)

Monday, December 27, 2004


Well it's me and Kate here and we are waiting. Yes that right, waiting. I still don't have a computer so I'm at Kates house and we are boreded. Boys don't know how to use a telephone. How long does it take to call me... an hour and a half apparently. Wow Nanaimo is boring..when no one calls you. We're listening to my new Cd's that I FINALLY managed to buy (M.M: Let We Forget, and Flashlight Brown), and talking to Dylan and he dyed his hair pink..right on *rolls eyes* hehe. Anyways... we're going to go..............yeeeah

And I'm back! Tonight turned out to be a really great night.. when me and Kate finally got a hold of people. We picked up Dylan and went to Will's house where Dan and Ashy (and Will), were hanging out. I was so happy to see everyone again! Then, all of a sudden, Dan gave me my Christmas was a necklace with a green gem in the middle. It's so pretty..I love it!! After debating what to do for about 1/2 hour, Nolan showed up and we went downtown for a bit. It was sooo cold, but alot of fun. Ashy tried taking pictures of me with her new digital camera...and succeeded *glares*.. hehe. After, we went to Timmy's AGAIN, then went back to Wills house. However, when walking past the garage we saw someone wrapped up in saran wrap! So Will opened the door and his bro and company were hanging out in there. All of a sudden I hear "Jeeennn" and I look and Carrie was standing there!!! And Pat was the guys in the saran wrap!! It was awesome!!!! But I must go...peace

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Been a while

This is my first encounter with a computer for about 5 days so I haven't had a lot of entries but ohhh well. By the by, today is Christmas and it has been fun. I got my belts (yay) and I got the Nirvana box set which was amazingly awesome!!! I got other little stuff too but not family decided to give me money to buy my own presents so that's pretty cool. Last night (xmas eve) was very...interesting. I went to my grandma and grandpas house where I had to talk to my wonderful *shudders* aunt. Wow, I never knew someone could be so annoying and loud. My cousin on the other hand started bad mouthing Green Day so that's when I got up and left the room. Right now I am at my Uncle Bill and Aunty Alison's house in Victoria. It's kind of cool but I have (again) decided to be the stereotypical teenager (hehe it is fun). I finally got to meet my new baby cousin Euan and he is soo cute:) However I am now tired (yes I know its only 8:40) but I was up early, and I also have an early day tomorrow too. whoot. Merry Christmas and hello to everyone back in Nanaimo. I miss you *heart*

Sunday, December 19, 2004


So far, so good. The rents haven't noticed anything wrong with the car yet! Yay, go us!! It's like I can't do anything right these days. My parents were bitching at me during the summer because, according to them, I wasn't doing anything with my life; but now they get mad because I'm never home and that I'm doing too much. It's so fusterating. Like tonight for instance, they told my sister that they were going to wake me up at 7:30AM to do a bunch of chores since I haven't been home. Well I'm sorry mom and dad if I have been out making money so that I can buy Christmas gifts for people. I really didn't want to put up with all of that tonight so I went to sevy to meet Dan and Spencer (and this time we didn't go 4bying). We couldn't decide what to do so we got a call from Nolan/James, and we met them at Wal-Mart where Spencer decided to moon them. So we hung out with the goth kids for a while (hehe they're cool) Dylan. After getting bored of that, we fit 6 people in my 4 person tracker and drove to James' house where I met his dog Challupa:D Then we went to Dylan's and he got mad cus he didn't want anyone over..., Dan and Spencer migrated over to Kelsey's house where me and Kels made milkshakes and the guys mad a couple songs, and we all played LIFE because we're just that cool (I WON!)

Saturday, December 18, 2004

We went for it...

It's cold out. It is 1:38AM and I jsut finished cleaning my car. Why you ask? Well I'll tell all started when I picked up Alana and went to the mall. Spencer called us so we picked him up from his bday thing. He then called Dan who we went to pick up as well. So, we're sittin in my car and I hear "so uhhh Jenn...wanna go 4bying?" Being as stupid as I am said "suuure". This is when I let Spencer take control of my car. We went to this place and it was going fine...suddenly there is this bank and a little river below us. All 3 of us (me, Dan, Alana) were like "uhhh how about not Spencer" but since Spencer is very special he decided to go for it! We were then stuck in a river and could not get out. Dan and Spencer got really muddy and wet (which was a lil funny), but finally Spencer called John (a pro 4byer) and he saved our lives. He towed us out and I was happy again...well... somewhat happy again. My MOMS car was caked with mud so I mad the guys clean it and vacuum it out. So things were good, we got Wendys and I drove everyone home. I went to get gas and found out that light reveals the unknown... there was still a whole shitload of mud all over my moms car, so I washed it with a sqeegie. I finally got home and spent another 15-20mins washing down my entire car (inside and outside) with a towel. Even though my parents might find out and I will surely die, it did make the night a hell of a lot more exciting. Actually it was!! Oh I *heart* you guys... you make life worth living:)

Friday, December 17, 2004

Finally its here

Christmas break is finally here! After this horrible week, this is a well deserved break. Tonight, I danced in Bea's xmas show and wow that was interesting... its funny cus we are guests but we are basically the highlight (so we've heard from parents). Anyhow, after that I went to nolans where I hung out for a bit with Dan, Kate, Nolan (who is now goth), James, Brady, Amy, Martin, Will, Tidey and Spencer. Some people had some "special" tea then we walked up to Curts party. It was kinda boring seeing as I was in a really bitchy mood and not drunk, but I met some cool people. Me and Will left at around because I jsut got fed up and Will had to go home, but yes that was my oh-so-much-fun Friday night.

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

These Days...

Have you ever had those days when you thought it would never end and the pain would never leave? Well, today was one of those days for me. Little by little, minute by minute, I just wanted to curl up and hide from the world. When did life get so stressful? Once school ended I thought my day would surely pick up, but once again I was wrong. My dad forgot to pick me up from school, so I had to walk home in the rain. I have to say it did give me time to calm down and think, but by the time I got home I broke down into a million tears. I have to thank my dad, even though he did forget me (he had his reasons), but we had a good talk about everything. He told me not to get so stressed out about school, but I do have to keep pushing along, and in the long run it will be all worthwhile. I have to say that I wouldn't be able to get through these types of days without my friends... I *heart* you all!!! You make me laugh when I need to laugh, and you let me cry when I need to cry...thank you:)


Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Dance Shows Galore

I just found out today that I have two dance shows, one on Thursday and one on Friday and my teacher is going to kick my ass because I don't really know anything. Anyways, this is the last week of school before Christmas holidays..whoot! That means no school for 2 weeks and I can do whatever the hell I want, yay! Why is it that parents look for any reason to get mad a you? Seriously, I work now and all I hear from my parents now is that I have to watch my money because apprantly they're not supporting me anymore. I mean I'm still in school and I need their finacial help but they dont seem to understand that. Anyways if things keep going the way they are going, I mgiht be living on my own by 18 *shudder*. Scary thought, but at least I wont have parents bullshit to put up with. Every teenagers fantasy...


Monday, December 13, 2004


Not being able to sleep sucks, so I guess I'll tell you about my day. I went to school which was boring as all hell (fell asleep twice in class). Then I came home, cleaned my rrom so my mom would freak out at me again, then went to Dan's.. and ya that was my day. woot

Friday, December 10, 2004

Moonlight Madness

Today was great. I went to school and did stuff, then after school I finally got a car and went to the mall. There I ran into Dan, Nolan, Martin and Dylan which is weird because they were already there for a couple hours before I even got there. But anywho, after we went to Nolans and watch T.V. Will came and brought the X-box and we played Mario Party! haha wow do I ever suck at video games. After a while, James showed up aand video games resumed. Finally, we got bored, went to Timmy's then to the mall (again). It was open until 11pm for some reason. The mall got boring again, so we went to Tidey's cus he wanted to peirce his nipple...which he is the middle of now so I don't really know how thats going. But yes it is late and I have to work at 9:00am *tear* Later Days.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

In a daze

I think my brain is fried. Chemisty 12= hardest class ever! Why I took it, I don't know. It turns out I don't need it so.. yay for dropping classes. My family went out to get a Christmas Tree without me, I feel so loved. Whatever, I guess they just see me as the self-centered, bitchy, doesn't-want-anything-to-do-with-anything teenager of the family.. I'm really not though. It's Thursday and that means tomorrow is FRIDAY!! And I get to hang out with some people who I enjoy being around whoot! Laura might be having a party this weekend...but I'm not allowed to go unless I promise to listen to Dan *cough* haha. Now I must go get ready to dance my little heart out...and possible get lectured for not being in dance class for a week.

The worst is over now and we can breathe again
I wanna hold you high, you steal my pain away
There's so much left to learn, and no one left to fight
I want to hold you high and steal your pain
Because I'm broken when I'm open
And I don't feel like I am strong enough
Cus I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when your gone away.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

I am me

Bad Mood! This has not been a good week for me. Sometimes I wish I could take all the great things in my life and make my own little paradise somewhere. Away from the people who seek to destroy and the others who are so self-invovled that they cannot see the reality that lies before of them. All I got to say to them is, what goes around comes around. However, there are the people who would always do anything to make you happy, and who are there for you no matter what. To be friends with all of you (you know who you are), I consider myself to be the luckiest person on earth. I no longer follow the people who see through rose-coloured glasses and who seek to destroy. I am able to be myself and not worry what other people think of me because I know I will always have friends that like me for me. enjoy life; for this I thank you. Not-so-bad MooD!

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Drinking coke to stay awake

Right now... I should be studying for Chemistry but I'm not. I know that I'm going to kick myself in the ass tomorrow for not studying because I'll get the test and be like "fuck". But yes, I am bored and no one is online...pshh who goes to bed at 10:50pm on a wednesday night anyways?

Take away the sensation inside
Bitter sweet migraine in my head
It's like a throbbing toothache of the mind
I can't take this feeling anymore
Drain the pressure from the swelling
This sensations overwhelming
Give me a long kiss goodnight
And everything will be alright
Tell me I wont feel a thing
So give me novacaine.

Out of body and out of mind
Kiss the demons out of my dreams
I get the funny feeling thats alright
Jimmy says its better than here
I'll tell you what
Drain the pressure from the swelling
This sensations overwhelming
Give me a long kiss goodnight
And everything will be alright
So give me novacaine.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

Bye Bye, Bye Bye Birdie

The final preformance of Bye Bye Birdie was preformed on saturday night. I'm kinda happy it's over with but I'm also really sad. This means I don't have as much time to hang out with the Dover kids *tear*. Even though the show was stressful at times, it was also SO MUCH fun!! The songs got stuck in your head tho and that got kind of annoying. After Fridays show everyone went to Moxies for a late dinner, it was fun even though Dan took my picture several times *glare* (hehe). Afterwards, we drove Amy home and Spencer took Kelsey, Dan and me 4x4ing in my car. I finally caved after months of Spencer trying to convice me, and I have to admit it was fun! On Saturday after the final show, everyone (cast and crew) went over to Jenn1's house and the ex Orange Edition did a little acoustic jam, and James sang the campfire song!!! It was grand! But yes..after we went to Tidey's and that was fun and also really amusing watching drunk people hehe. But yes, that was my weekend.. bitter sweet.