Sunday, January 30, 2005

This weekend was a very needed resting weekend for Jenn. Even though I didn't get much rest, I got my mind off of school which was great. I studied so much the past two weeks that I needed a break, but now exam week is approaching and that means more studying for me. woot. Yesterday I worked then went to Tidey's house because he was having a partay. It was a fun sober time for me (and for man others). The guys played some NHL video game and they got really competitive and it was amusing. At around 12:30am I decided to go home and sleep, seeing as I had to work the next morning. However, I was sharing a room with my sister last night (we had company over using all the upstairs bedrooms) and that was not fun. At 2:00am (while I was fast asleep), decided to come in, turn on the light, turn on my sterio (loud), and start playing video games. This is when I started to yell. Eventually, I got to sleep and awoke to go to work this morning. Work was hell today. For some reason the hours 11:00am-7:00pm seem much longer than 8 hours. By the end of my shift, the minutes seemed to pass slowly, second by second. Finally, I was free and picked up Dan and Spencer then went to Amy's. We hung out and watch APC DVD, it was great. Now I must go try to get some sleep... I wonder how many hours I'll get tonight...I'll say 7 if I'm lucky.

Saturday, January 29, 2005

I Am....Sleeping*cough*

Right now I should be in bed sleeping but first I must write in my blog because I am so cool, so I'll make this brief. Today was awesome, I didn't go to school. Well, I did go to school...just not my school. I hung out all day at Dover and that was pretty need. After school, I did bunch of driving back and forth from Will's house to Woodlands area, but we finally all met up at Dover (again). Once we met up me, Dan, Jen and Will went downtown. We ate some subway, found a parking spot and walked. hehehe me, kate and jen dragged dan and will to Damsels where we tried on a few prom dresses. I felt kinda bad but it was amusing. The sales woman actually got me in a pink dress*shudders*, but nevertheless it was interesting. After we walked to A&B Sound, looked around, people bought stuff, will got mad at me...thats about it. Kate then left us, so the four of us went back to Wills house and watched movies, it was fun until I was forced to go home and go to bed, but guess what hahaha I'm not in bed muahhaha......
Ok I'm going to bed,
Bye Bye

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Glasses, Green Day and...Studying

I'm sitting here in the library at school, listening to Green Day, and....studying *shifty eyes*. I was not in a very good mood last night. I had a pretty aweome day but that ended when I came home from work and my parents decided to bitch me out again. Anyways, now I'm in a better mood and it is good. Only one more day of stressfull school and the semester of hell will be over. Finally! Technically there are two days left but tomorrow doesn't count since I only have to come for two blocks, yayy. I can't wait until next semester. I can finally do stuff I like; for example, english and photography. I have been waiting a year to do photography. I took it in grade 10 and absolutly loved it but I couldn't take it last year because my time table was full with stuff like Chem, Bio, Physic *shudder*, math, english and so on and so on. So let's just say I am a little excited. If you could see me right now (which you can't or else that would be creepy), you would see that I'm wear glasses. Apparently my eyesight is going and thats not good. My mom bought me some glasses to try since I'm getting constant headaches (which I never used to get), and sometimes things get blury; however, I am convinced that it's because I'm tired. Nevertheless my mom is making me wear them when I'm tired or reading, bleh. Can't you tell that I'm just rambling so that I don't have to study? haha...well I am. Wow, I love Green Day. Their concert was the best thing I had ever seen/heard in my entire life. I want them to come back to Vancouver, that would be cool. Even though I was basically broken after it, it was still the best time ever! I miss my bruises haha, but I still have Mike Dirnt's pick whoot :D. Alright then, it turns out that I had 20 minutes to study so I must I'm getting kicked off the computer by the librarian (apparently I'm not allowed to do this)
Bye Bye
P.S: yes Dan, we all know you met Green Day *rolls eyes* (hehe)

After School:
I AM SO HAPPY! smiles all around.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

I reach for the stars but tend to reach the moon. I see the disappointment in your eyes, all I want is to be accepted. Why can't you realize that this is me. I try my best but can never seem to succeed. You say that you only want the best for me. How do you know what "the best" is when you don't even know who I am. All I want is approval, not diapproval. Can't you just like me for me, or are you just too ashamed.
Too many times a day I say the words "I" and "me". Why do I do this when there are people in far worse situations than I. I respect you.

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Almost Done

Whoot. I got all my chemistry tests done today (except for the provincial of course), but I'm almost there. Tomorrow I have a human physiology test which wont be too bad, it's stuff I actually understand. Come to think about it, I should be studying right now but ohhh well. I'm way too hyper/over-tired to concentrate. Today, in all, was pretty ok. I was at school until 4ish, then I went and got my hair cut and ended up staying there for over an hour talking. I then realized that I had to go to dance class, so I rushed home and went to dance. It was fun. Only me, Ellen and Colleen were there and it was quite amusing I must say. "Jenn! Did you get new hair?!" -Ellen haha. I got all my fusterations and stress out at class so now I'm starting to think I might actually make it through this last week and a bit without dying (which is good).
I just don't understand parent though. They want me to do exceptionally well in school, and since their expectations are so high, I get so stressed out. However, when they finally notice how much pressure I am under usually it's too late and they say "oh as long as you try your best". What the hell do they want? It's all so confusing. When I come home I just want too be alone, listen to music and unwind for a bit, but they don't understand. They tell me to get more hours at work so that I have something to do after school, but yet they want me focusing on school work. I can't be in two places at once, so I really don't know what they want. Maybe I should just stop trying to please them because whatever I do will never be good enough. They will just have to deal with it.

Listening to: "Down With The Sickness" by Disturbed.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Back To Reality

It is Monday and that means I have to go back to reality *shudder*. I had a nice weekend of freedom (in other words no parents around), however now I have to get to work. There is one week left until exam time and it's going to kill me. Well.. no literally of course, but you know what I mean. On the bright side, next semester starts and I actually get to do courses that I like. Yayy! My dad got on my case about dropping Math12 again but whatever, he just has to deal with it.
Today was pretty alright I guess. Nothing greatly interested happened besides the fact that Alana now owes Jamie $2.30 *cough* I wonder why that is *cough*. Anyways, I think I'm going to go and do something productive. Byeee

Saturday, January 22, 2005

A Chance To Breathe

Finally, for the first time in a couple weeks, I get a chance to breathe. I got most of my test over with and my parents left yesterday. I finally have a weekend where I don't have to worry too much about school or put up with my parents' ongoing rants. I can just relax and have fun :D Today I had a spare first block but I got up early anyways to work on Biology. I wrote my tests (Biology and Chemistry). I was ready to pass out from pain by the end of Chemistry so I decided I should go home and take I did. Kate is right, I should really make a doctors appointment for this.. meh I'll do it eventually. Afterwords, I picked up Kate and we went to Will's house where him and Dan were hanging out. They had a show to go to so we met up with everyone after that was finished. We all went to Tidey's house and watch a movie, it was fun. Tomorrow night I plan to have a "social gathering". I'm really not allowed to have people over so if I get caught I'm screwed... but oh well lol. It should be funn. Well I have to sleep because I got to work tomorrow morning. I will leave you with a song that I have had in my head alllll day long.

How many special people change
How many lives are living strange
Where were you when we were getting high?
Slowly walking down the hall
Faster than a cannon ball
Where were you while we were getting high?

Some day you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide
In a champagne supernova in the sky
Some day you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide
In a champagne supernova
A champagne supernova in the sky

Wake up the dawn and ask her why
A dreamer dreams she never dies
Wipe that tear away now from your eye
Slowly walking down the hal
lFaster than a cannon ball
Where were you when we were getting high?

Cos people believe that they're
Gonna get away for the summer
But you and I, we live and die
The world's still spinning round
We don't know why
Why, why, why, why

How many special people change
How many lives are living strange
Where were you when we were getting high?
Slowly walking down the hall
Faster than a cannon ball
Where were you while we were getting high?

Some day you will find me
Caught beneath the landslide
In a champagne supernova in the sky

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

HCl+NaOH-->NaCl+HOH (Holy shit I'm cool)

I kinda of got chemistry on the mind, seeing as that's all I have been concentrating on for the last week and a half. School was... school. I got to chemistry class this morning and first thing I found out was that I had failed my first practice provincial (along with about half the class). YA 45%!! Some how, Brad *cough* A.G, got 101%... man I wish I was smart like that. Anyways, the rest of school was pretty much a snoozefest. Except me and Alana arn't locker neighbores anymore *tear*. After school, I came home and bascially went right to work. That was ok, until we closed. I did absolutly everything in the kitchen, cafe and bathrooms while my superviser was doing god knows what. What made it worse was that I had to do all this listening to Madonna *shudders*. Madonna for an hour straight = not cool.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow because the parents are leaving for the weekend. whoot! Dealing with no parents for four days is going to be awesome. But I bet you anything that they'll have my aunt or uncle spying on us, which is not awesome at all. Well, I'm going to try to stand up and walk to my room where my books are awaiting me. I just realized that I've been talking about studying and school for a while in my blogs...I am so cool.

Monday, January 17, 2005


Stress. That is all I can say about today, and for all this week for that matter. I have about 5 huge tests in my classes right now. I might go crazy. Nothing out of the ordinary happened today. I went to school, got overwhelmed with work and deadlines, came home, got the whole "try harder" speech from my dad again (even though I'm working my fuckin ass off right now), then studied....aaand I'm still studying. Wow, what an exciting life I lead.

And I’m a black rainbow
And I’m an ape of god
I got a face that’s made for violence upon
I’m a teen distortion
Survived abortion
A rebel from the waist down

I wanna thank you mom
I wanna thank you dad
For bringing this fucking world
To a bitter end
I never really hated a one true god
But the God of the people I hated

You said you wanted evolution
The ape was a great big hit
You say you want a revolution, man
And I say that you’re full of shit

We’re disposable teens....

Sunday, January 16, 2005


I have to say that today was an improvment of yesterday. I got up pretty early and was just about to go to work when they called and said I didn't have to come in, so I didn't. I sat around being really bored for a while then me and Leanne went to the mall and drove around a bit. Later on I picked up Dan and Spencer and we went to Wal-Mart. We played with stuff then went to McDonals. eww. Then we went and threw eggs off of the top parking lot at the Bay, went to Timmy's, then bought balloons and tied them to my car. We then picked up Kelsey and handed balloons out to random people saying Happy Sunday. It was quite entertaining.
I jsut found out today that my parents are going away to Sun Peaks next weekend (I think), but the important part is that they're going away for 4 whole days!!! I'm soooo Happy!! I am going to go because I am sleepy and I'm too lazy to type anymore. Bye Bye

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Just A Screwup

Aren't parents suppose to be there for you and give you unconditional love? I think so, but right now I am having my doubts. Tonight was Tidey's birthday party and I was planning to go, but as usual my mom stepped in. I told her about it a couple days ago, and she said I could go. After me and Kate got off work, we came back to my place to get ready and go to Tidey's, but it all went downhill from there. My mom decided to not let me drive tonight because it was snowing. She said she would drive us, but Kate found out that she wasn't allowed to go. I suggested that when we dropped Kate off that they drop me off at Tidey's since they (my parents) were going that way. Apparenlty it's too much effort to pull over and let me get out of the car. During this time of "discussion" (more of my mom yelling at me) she basically called me a selfish little brat and a screwup. I was kinda embrassed since Kate was right downstairs. Anyhow, that kind of left a dent in my self-esteem and now I am sitting here in my basement...alone. Sometimes I just feel like running away so that I won't have to deal with my parents' constant bitching. Maybe they're right. Maybe I am just a good-for-nothing teenager that only thinks of herself. Maybe there lives would be better without me. I can never live up to their expectations, so why even bother. They say as long as I do my best, that is all that counts. However, I do my best but that's never enough. Right now, I just want to run away.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Why Do I Even Bother

I have a Chemistry test tomorrow and I am NOT looking forward to it. I just got back from studying/hanging out with Jacey, and we have decided that we are totally and completely fucked over for this test. To make things even better, I found out that this test is pretty important. Oh man, someone just kill me now. Instead of ranting, I guess I'll tell you about my day.
It all started I woke up to Green Day. That was awesome. I had a spare first block but I went to school anyways to study for my Biology test. It payed off because I got 95% on it (see I can be smart when I want to be). The rest of the day was pretty, blah. I got home and decided not to go to dance (which I regret), but I had to study. wow I sound like a nerd, hahah thats fun. Now, I am sitting here waiting for my sister to call for me to go pick her up. Apparently I am now her official taxi driver (except I don't get paid). She's at her first highschool dance. I know, I know, I tried to talk her out of it but she said if she doesn't go then she'll be unpopular. Yup, that's my materialistic little sis for you.
Tomorrow is Friday and I am so excited. Just because school will be done for the week and I get to hang out with people! Yayyy.

I didn't want to know
I just didn't want to know
Best to keep things in the shallow end
Cause I never quite learned how to swim
I just didn't want to know
Didn't want, didn't want,
Didn't want, didn't want

Close my eyes just to look at you
Taken by the seamless vision I close my eyes,
Ignore the smoke, Ignore the smoke,
Ignore the smoke

Call an optimist, she's turning blue
Such a lovely color for you
Call an optimist, she's turning blue
While I just sit and stare at you

Because I don't want to know
I didn't want to know I just didn't want to know
I just didn't want

Mistook their nods for an approval
Just ignore the smoke and smile

Call an optimist, she's turning blue
Such a lovely color for you
Call an optimist, she's turning blue
Such a perfect color for your eyes

Call an optimist, she's turning blue
Such a lovely color for you
Call an optimist, she's turning blue
While I just sit and stare at you
I don't want to know

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Ode To No Money And Slurpees

I'm going to keep this short because I'm kinda lazy right now and this is my second posting cus my first one got deleted. Ok so, today was fun. I went to only....all...of my classes *shifty eyes* Me and Alana wondered on down to Starbbies, which was good cus I haven't had it in a really really really really long time. We then wondered over to the mall then eventually back to school. After lunch, we did our class thing then went home. Later on we had a info session at MalU about the nursing program. That was oh so much fun I must say. When that was done, we went to the CooP and got slurpees with spare dimes and nickels that we had. T'was a grand time. We made asses of ourselves (once again); but it was fun anyways. I drove Alana home and now I am here..and... stuff. So I'm now officially too lazy to say anything else, so I'm going to study Biology *shudders*
Lots of Love

No Money To Learn..or for slushies

Me and Alana just went to an information session about the Nursing Program at Malaspina. It was interesting and got me pretty pumped to attend the school and everything, but there is one little problem. It costs money, which I don't have. Oh well, life is all about challenges and this is mearly one I must overcome. After the session, me and Alana took a drive into Harewood (yay to Harewood) and got 2 slushies with dimes, nickles and one quarter. whoot to being poor.
School wasn't bad today, since I only went to...all my classes *shifty eyes*. We went to Starbucks, which was good since I haven't had it for a really really really long time, then we looked around the mall for a bit. Eventually, we made our way back to the school and did the whole class thing. Other than that, nothing too interesting happened today. I must go study Biology *shudders*

P.S: I made Alana's night by walking into a tree!!! (again)

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

It's so great to walk into a room and over-hear your parents laughing at your grad photos and talking about how you need to lose wieght, otherwise you won't be able to dance....NOT.

Too Many Pictures

Everyone who knows me knows that I HATE getting my picture taken, so guess what happened today? Yup, thats right...why too many pictures taken of Jenn. Well I guess it all started yesterday when a bunch of us got called down to the office, me being one of them. Anyways, we were all standing around talking and wondering why we were in the office, when suddenly the year book crew comes out. It turned out that we all won something in the grad survey, so we had to get our pictures taken. However, I didn't complain too too much and I think that suprised Alana. haha.
That wasn't the end of it though. Today, every single time I was in the hallway (which was quite a lot), someone took my picture for the year book *grumble*. Then Fran and Robyn decided to come into my Geography class just to spite me (thanks guys). Now everyone knows how much I hate getting my picture taken because I based my entire blog on me ranting about photos. You see, I irony of it all is that I absolutly love taking pictures. If I could spend all day behind the lens of a camera and take pictures of everything, I would. In the spring I plan to drive up to Mt.Washington (on a clear day), and take pictures of....everything. If anyone wants to join me that would be awesome, though I don't know how much fun you would have haha.
Other than the pictures, today was alright I guess. I went to school, then suffered through my classes. I had my music with me all day so that made it all better. School ended and a came home (wow exciting eh?). I went to dance and it was pretty fun. We worked on Brianna's dance that we will be preforming in festival, eep. Lets just say we need to practice it a wee bit more, but we will pull it off. Now, I must go and find something productive to do.
Bye Bye

Monday, January 10, 2005

Second Post...Happy!!

Yes, I know this is my second post of the day but my day got progessively better. I went to work and I got off a half an hour early! Another awesome thing that I found out was that my dad got his old job back!!!!!! YAY!!! Now he's not going to be all stressed out and grumpy anymore. It seems like my family got through the bad and all our hardwork is paying off. *smile*

So Much To Do, So Little Time

I have to say that the 3 day weekend that we had was a refresher. However, I am going to die this week since I have 3 provincially examable classes and ablsolutly no time to do homework. Yay, this is going to be a blast. This morning I woke up hoping that it snowed a whole lot during the night, but my hope was gone once I looked outside and saw no new snow. *sniff* oh well, maybe we'll get lucky tomorrow or Wednesday. School today wasn't too bad....besides the work. I had my spare last block so I got off at 1:30 so I went home. When I got home though I was really pissed off because my discman was being stupid and decided to destroy one of my APC CD's. When I got into my room I had so many books and everything so I threw everything all over my bed and across my room, looked around, and I had gotten snow absolutly everywhere! It was kinda funny, but not because then my dad made me clean up. Well, now I'm off to the wounderful world of my place of work *frown*. I can't complain cause I got the entire weekend off so 4.5 hours won't kill me...I hope.

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Fun In The...Snow

No work and lots of snow equals lots of fun. Today there was more snow than yesterday, and it just kept snowing. I didn't have to go to work today so I walked all the way to Rutherford School and met up with those crazy dover kids haha. It was lots of fun. After sledding for about an hour or two, we all went to seperate houses for a break/dinner. Me, Dan and Glenn went to Glenn's house and the guys played video, while I watched, then we ordered pizza and watched Pool Junkies. It is a good movie, I would recommend it. The random sound effects were pretty amusing. James told us all to meet on msn at 7:00 and just because we are so cool, we did. At 8:00 we all set out on our adventure (capture the flag/snowball fight). It was extremely fun but after a while we got tired. My team won! whoot..GO TEAM!! yay to Cassie for tackling James haha. There was also lots of face washing going on. I have decided to never fashwash anyone ever again. I was facewashed and it wasn't too fun...well...maybe a little *giggle* But yes, I must go...see ya around.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Snow Daze

The best parts of winter are snowboarding and snow days. Today was a snow day. Over night it snowed about 8 inches and kept snowing all day. It was great!! Except my parents will not let me drive in this weather which kind of sucks, but whatever. That means more driving for them (muahah). But today was fun. Me, Kate and Kelsey got paid today so we went to the mall. After the horrible week I had, I needed to spend money. It was fun because we got to act like such girls. I bought a purse, Kels got a dress and Kate got a skirt. Yes, all you people who know us are probably like "Holy shit!!" I just couldn't beleive that Kelsey actually bought a dress! It was amusing. While we were at the mall we tried on prom dresses. I felt pretty *giggle*. That didn't last very long because we eventually got bored. After the mall Kate had to go home and I went to Kelsey's. I was hoping to hang out with Dan tonight, but all the guys are having a guys night *pout* I am now extremely bored and I am going to be stuck in the house with Leanne and Deanna. Funnn....NOT!
We got some more bad news today. Right now my grandparents are travelling to Mexico, and just last night they had to put there dog Sunny down as well. It's such a hard tine for our family right now. However, we did get some good news. For a while there, we were kinda scared about my mom's health. She has to get tests done and a CT scan and they thought they saw a tumor. As it turns out it was nothing and she is perfectly healthy. That was a HUGE relief. Well I'm going to go hide from my sister and her friend
Bye Bye

Thursday, January 06, 2005

I Will Never Forget You

You don't realize how much you loved something until it is gone forever. This is what I have realized today. My beloved dog, Clyde, of thirteen years passed away today. He was very old and I knew it was coming but I never expected it to hurt this much. You see I haven't experianced a lot of death in my lifetime, besides that of my first dog Bowser and I was four years old at the time. Clyde was extremely special to me. He was there beside me through the good times and the bad, and he always did his best to protect me and my sister. From the moment he walked through door as a fluffy little pup to the my last moments with him, he was wagging his tail. He had a happy and full life and I'm glad he didn't suffer. I was glad to hear that my dad took him to Gabriola, which was his most favorite place on earth, one last time. I could see in his eyes that he knew it was his time to go, and he didn't seem bothered. We parted ways at 9:05 this morning, but I know he will always be here with me. Clyde, you were a huge part of the family and touched everyone who met you. I will never forget you.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Listening To Music And Daydreaming...

I finally get to sleep in tomorrow. yay for me! I really didn't want to be at school today so I went to Chemistry then me, Alana and Kelsey decided that we didn't want to go to class so we didn't. First off, we went to some professional photo developing place where Kelsey could get her pictures developed. The we stopped at the CoOp to get dance and as we pulled out of the gas station guess who drove right by us.. you guessed it.. my father! Luckily he is pretty oblivious to everything so he didn't see us. We made our way to Woodgrove, I mean what else is there to do in Nanaimo. Kelsey had to find a birthday present for her friend so me and Alana helped out. As we were walking around the mall, we saw the Dover kids (aka Nolan, Dan, Will and Jen) sitting in the food court. It was awesome and it made my day! After talking to them for a bit we departed to go back to school. I then realized that I had a spare after lunch so that was cool. Except I had nothing to do so I went to the library to do work because I am so freakin cool *cough*. Then my discman died and that made me sad because then I had to actually think and not listen to music and daydream (the story of my life). But thats ok, it was a pretty alright day at school anyways. After school I went back to the mall...yes back to the mall and I got a shirt. Now I am sitting here and need to get on with my homework.
Bye Bye *heart*
She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak
I've been locked inside your Heart-Shaped box four whole weeks
I've been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap
I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black
Hey,Wait I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey,Wait I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey,Wait I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Your advice
Meat-eating orchids forgive no one just yet
Cut myself on angel's hair and baby's breath
Broken hymen of your highness I'm left black
Throw down your umbilical noose so I can climb right back
Hey,Wait I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey,Wait I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Hey,Wait I've got a new complaint
Forever in debt to your priceless advice
Your advice
She eyes me like a Pisces when I am weak
I've been locked inside your Heart-Shaped box four whole weeks
I've been drawn into your magnet tar pit trap
I wish I could eat your cancer when you turn black

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Same Ol' Routine

Today was the first day back at school and man did it suck. My first class was Biology and Carrie and I were completly lost! Lets just say we lost a couple brain cells throughout our break. Then last class came around..ugh Chemistry. It turns out we have to fit a chapter test, 2 practise provincials and 1 midterm all within 3 weeks. I am going to die. This is not only the hardnest class, but its also the one class that is keeping me from getting into the university I want to go to. When did life get so stressful? Getting back into the swing of things is difficult. I went back to dance tonight and I was so out of shape. It was kinda funny actually, cus there was only 3 of us in the class and Mrs.Reid (dance teacher) just made fun of us. As it turns out she wants me to start competing again. Not only in district and regional competitions, but in championships as well. She wants me to go to Nova Scotia this year for the 2005 Scotdance Championships, but with my budget and the amount of time I have to spend practicing (not enough) I don't think I will make it. I hate to think negative and like to think I can achieve my dreams, but right now I just have to face the facts. I mean it would be awesome to go to competitions and win some extra mulla, but chances of me winning top spots with the girls I have to dance against *cough* Kelsey *cough* are slim.
Yay! I don't have to work tomorrow so maybe I can spend some time catching up on homework and just chill with friends or something. Thats if my dad decides not to be a jerk and let me. He got mad at me today for everything little thing. It was ridiculous! I was reading in my room and he comes in and lectures me about not helping my mom take down christmas decorations. Then when I was finished helping her I got in trouble for nto doing it right. I really don't know what he wants from me.
But I am going to leave and try to sleep. Bye Bye

Sunday, January 02, 2005

What Ever I Feel Like... GOD!

I have come to the conclusion that Napoleon Dynomite is the best movie ever! After work today me, Kate, Glenn and Dan hung out at Glenns house. The boys played their video games, while us girls read some cosmo. Then we watched Napoleon Dynomite and I don't think I've laughed that hard in a long time (at a movie).
Some of Jenn's favorite quotes:
"I see you're drinking 1% milk, is that because you think you're fat?"
"So Napoleon, what are you going to do today?" "What ever I feel like...GOD!!"
"That's a sweet bike. Do you ever take it off some sweet jumps?" "You got like 3 feet of air that time!"
"Can you bring me some chap-stick?" Hangs up; "IDIOT!!!"
There are peobably many more quotes I should be putting in there but I can't really remember them at the moment.

Saturday, January 01, 2005

2005 Here I Come

So sleepy! New years was fun! To start the night off, my dad drove me, Dan and Kate to Amy's house were we met up with Ashy, Amy and Lisa and did the whole drinky dealy. Eventually, Will and Nolan showed up. IT was fun cus Amy was a little...lets say...tipsy. hahah I *heart* you Amy! To kill some time, we went to Timmy's (suprise suprise) and ate stuff. At around 10:30 we met Jenn1 at work and went down to her place. Meanwhile, Amy, Dan and Nolan decided to take the bus because it was free. Well Amy got a little confused and told Dan to go on the wrong bus, so he ended up getting off at Welly and walking to Jenn's. He missed 12:00 and I must say I was a little mad because I thought he went downtown with Amy and Nolan and didn't tell me. But as it turned out, he was walking but he eventually made it:) Well I must sleep now. This is going to be a great year!!!